Our five pillars of engagement are Culture & Heritage, Children & Youth, Women, Livelihoods Development, and Conservation.

What we do

  • Establish a dynamic hub for shared services such as funding, training (product development, business skills, hosting), distribution channels, marketing and logistics; and delivering meaningful, sustainable, and consistent support.

  • Support socio-economic development of communities in the north western part of Botswana through the development of culture and heritage ecotourism opportunities, creating jobs and generating income that goes directly into the community.

  • Carefully curate, nurture and profile community organisations and businesses that are genuine, well run, and make a tangible impact.

  • Provide a carefully managed link between business and community.

How we do it

  • Champion and manage a trusted Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) platform – Impact Fund – to meet needs on the ground.

  • Target and customize our engagement with each company, organization, community and individual based on our belief that each are inherently unique, in needs, desires, motivations and goals.

  • Collaborate for the long-term through building confidence and trust via consistent, effective communication.

  • Strive to meet our partners half-way, hearing and honouring their needs – having the hard conversations – learning and growing together.

Who we benefit

  • Our Artisans and Small Business Partners receive training in financial and business processes, product design and quality assurance, marketing and assistance in accessing the tourism market.

  • Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) partners and clients use our vetted, trusted platform for confidence in their CSR deliverables.

  • Our Civil Society partners receive sustaining funds to meet operating needs.

  • Our Tourism Industry Partners procure high quality, local crafts, and products for resale to tourists and access our CSR platform.

  • Tourists access authentic, curated experiences and products that highlight Botswana’s rich cultural heritage.