Our five pillars of engagement are Culture & Heritage, Children & Youth, Women, Livelihoods Development, and Conservation.

Economic empowerment

We work in partnership with fledgling tourism businesses and artisans by providing trainings, mentorship, marketing and financial support (made possible by our funding partners). The trainings in business planning, product development, quality improvement, and financial management (among others) increase self-confidence and build capacity while facilitating successful and competitive access to the tourism value chain. We also help these businesses gain access to investment funding for infrastructure and equipment, providing money for property improvements necessary for tourism industry success.

We work with over 200 crafters, supporting them with product development, consistency, quality control, marketing, and sales.

See Crafted Botswana.

We, through you,
generated BWP397,000 worth of sales for our craft producers in 2023.

Agisanang from
The Glass Project:

“Impact Fund has illuminated a path for me, revealing opportunities to earn a livelihood by repurposing recycled bottles”.

We support 20 small businesses to enter the tourism value chain effectively and competitively. See the People’s Path.
We invest in infrastructure to drive small business development.

Mma Kushonya from Quality Baskets:

‘Impact Fund has been instrumental in empowering us as women and has significantly transformed Quality Baskets on an individual level. We are grateful for the positive changes it has brought about uplifting the face of Quality Baskets. IF should continue its impactful work in communities’.


Molf from Planet Culture Café:

‘The financial trainings have changed my perspective on how I view my business’.